Friends, I was terrified, but I did it anyway. I think all great entrepreneurial journeys start with a phrase like this because as much as we like to believe that people who start enterprises are fearless and infinitely capable, we’re human just like everyone else.
The difference is that entrepreneurs still do the things that scare us because we believe what we have to offer needs to be out in the world.
Almost exactly two years ago, I took the leap and launched Black Travel Fest into the world. The idea to host large scale group travel events had come to me several times, but I kept pushing it off.
Each time my inner thoughts were something like gracious, “why can't I have a smaller vision”?!
Don't get me wrong. I was in love with the vision. As someone who went to a historically black university for undergrad, I truly believe in the power of a community of progressive individuals to shift things within us and elevate us to new heights.
Throw in the act of removing yourself from your day to day environment, and I knew it would be magic. However, it seemed like a daunting task.
I had organized smaller group trips for other travel companies, and I was pretty satisfied doing that at the time.
It was predictable, manageable, and dare I say right in my comfort zone. Basically, it was easy and didn't require me to grow, so I could have easily just kept doing that.
But, there was this nagging voice that kept creeping back in. It sounded something like this “what are you waiting're holding back your gifts!“
I was pretty good at blocking this little voice out, but one day a friend brought the same idea up to me without me having ever mentioned it to her.
She said something like “why don't you just do really big melanated group trips, that would totally combine all of your passions and skills“ If I remember correctly, I just sat there with my mouth open looking confused and shook. That was the moment that I decided to listen.
Two months later, I launched the first BTF trip after pushing it off for close to a year. Let's be very clear. I was terrified when I launched, and there was a lot I didn't know.
However, I knew that if it came down to letting my clients down and figuring it out I would figure it out. No questions asked.
Sitting in this spot looking back to 2 years ago, I'm glad that I took the leap because I've grown tremendously, learned tons of valuable lessons, and vastly expanded my comfort zone.
So, if you're reading this and pushing off that thing that you know you were called to do I’m encouraging you to do it. Do it because the world is waiting on your gifts.
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